1 thought on “What are the lesson plans of the gaming activity plan of a small aircraft in kindergarten?”

  1. Activity goals:
    1. Further cultivate children's curiosity and desire to explore aircraft
    2. Guide children to use multiple methods to make aircraft to cultivate children's rich imagination and creativity
    . 3. Make children learn to use several different materials for self -made aircraft
    A activity preparation:
    . Various colors, color paper and glue, double -sided glue production materials
    2. In the activity room The walls are decorated with various aircraft pictures, placed a variety of aircraft models, and several paper aircraft
    activity processes:
    . Start some
    Show the young children to attract the interest of young children, so that the children are brought into the event
    2. Basic parts
    1. The teacher asked the child to observe the appearance characteristics of the aircraft, and then raised his hand to tell the teacher
    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 , Teachers invite children to freely choose muders, origami and other areas to produce, develop children's operating ability
    3. Teacher tour guidance, encourage and support children's production activities
    4. Works display: children will bring their works In front of you, some children will evaluate the most delicate works
    . The end of the end
    The teacher summarizes the situation of the event, evaluates the "hands -on star", and the well -performed young children who perform well. Commendation.

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