dreamland jewelry wholesale rings Can the virtual renminbi E card in the ICBC E -Card bind Alipay's fast payment?

dreamland jewelry wholesale rings

3 thoughts on “dreamland jewelry wholesale rings Can the virtual renminbi E card in the ICBC E -Card bind Alipay's fast payment?”

  1. wholesale jewelry carrollton tx It is recommended not to tie fast payment! I was bound, and after being stolen, I was directly moved away by the money in the online banking. It was online banking! Not in Alipay! Intersection Intersection Alipay also said that fast payment can be paid first, all deceived! Especially large! Don't think at all, they will make excuses all the time!

  2. us wholesale jewelry suppliers 1. In the ICBC E era, there is no virtual RMB;
    2, ICBC E Times bank card can bind Alipay to open fast payment;
    3, bank card binding Alipay must reserve mobile phone numbers in the bank; r; r; r; r; n4, bank card binding Alipay requests the information (name, identity account, mobile phone number, mobile phone number) registered by Alipay and Alipay, otherwise, it cannot be bound.

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