The far side of the moon, which always faces away from Earth, is actually full of craters, the Earth’s umbrella

As the earth’s only natural satellite, the moon is the earth’s most faithful partner. For billions of years, it has been around the earth. Under the action of the earth’s gravity, the moon has gradually been locked by the Earth’s tides.

Therefore, since ancient times, people have never stopped dreaming about the far side of the moon, and some people believe that the far side of the moon is actually an alien base. Until the late 1950s, human aviation technology was further developed, and the Soviet Union launched the Luna 3 probe, which took the world’s first picture of the far side of the moon.

China launched the Chang ‘e-4 lunar probe at the end of 2018 and achieved the first soft landing on the far side of the moon. Yutu-2 also carried out continuous research on the far side of the moon, followed by the Chang ‘e-5 sampling return, which provided first-hand data for humans to understand the surface morphology of the far side of the moon and the development and evolution of the moon 39bet-đua chó-game giải trí -đá gà-đá gà trực tuyến-đánh bài.

We now know that the far side of the moon doesn’t have a rumored alien base, but published photos show that it looks a little different: It’s more cratered, with craters from meteorite impacts as far as the eye can see.

But in fact the solar system is very wide, planets in the solar system are like a walnut in the theater, to accurately hit the walnut or there is a great deal of difficulty, and the moon is only a small planet, only more than 3400 kilometers in diameter, not even eight planets. Why suffered so much impact, leaving tens of thousands of large and small craters?

9ec90bbefa28c078e3284d3c2b7437bfAnalyzing lunar soil samples, scientists have found that most of the moon’s ring-shaped craters formed between 3.8 and 4.1 billion years ago, meaning that the moon was hit by intense meteorites within 300 million years. ,

In the early days of the solar system, there was a lot of instability in space. Meteorite impacts were common. But by the time the moon was hit, the sun was 500 to 800 million years old, and the whole solar system was stable.

Pluto was discovered at the beginning of the last century, and astronomers have speculated that there are many asteroids beyond Neptune’s orbit. Pluto is just one of them, Dutch-born astronomer Helrad. Kuiper believes there is an orbital region of icy material at the edge of the solar system.

Later, astronomers continued to revise and study this idea, and finally confirmed that there is a dense area of asteroids outside Neptune’s orbit, which is similar to the asteroid belt in the inner solar system, which is the convergence of small bodies in the solar system.

Kuiper belt known planets in the solar system is a circular chart, all is the residual material at the beginning of the solar system, from the orbit of Neptune extends to about 50 astronomical units from the sun, but unlike the asteroid belt, here the low boiling point of the running object mainly frozen mixture, such as water, ammonia, methane, solar system in most comets are derived from here. So why did the stably functioning Kuiper Belt suddenly spiral out of control and swarm into the solar system?

The planets in our solar system did not form at the same time; Neptune and Uranus, for example, were relatively recent. When they have formed, the strong gravity can cause perturbations to the surrounding material, such as the Kuiper Belt, where the objects are diverted from their original orbits and hurled into the solar system, causing the meteorite impact of the solar system bombardment.

Not only did the moon suffer, but so did the other planets in the solar system.​

Like Mars, Venus and Earth and Mercury, they’ve all been hit very hard, and we can see that other planets have a lot of craters, big and small, but we can’t see craters on Earth because the Earth’s geological activity is gradually covering them up.

The moon’s core cooled completely 3.5 billion years ago, so there was no Earth-like geological movement, and those craters stayed on the surface forever. But why are there more and deeper craters on the far side of the moon than on the front side?

In terms of morphology, there were more impacts on the far side of the moon than on the front, with craters of different sizes clustered together and even surrounded by craters, suggesting that the same place had been hit twice.

Also extremely steep terrain, there are a number of up to 2000 meters high, and the moon seems to be gentle, positive instead of a big relief contrast, much less the number of crater is also obvious. Scientists were surprised to find that after analysis on the back not only ravines crossbar, even the shortest and longest axis are extended to the moon on the back of the month. And in terms of surface thickness, the far side of the moon is 25 kilometers higher than the front side.

Scientists believe that at the beginning of the earth, giant planets collided with earth, main body and the earth together, the rest with fragments of the earth and in space, under the action of gravity and aggregate together to form the moon, when the moon’s surface temperature is completely molten state, basic surface temperature of 2000 ℃ or more.

The Earth is essentially in the same state, and because of its more active core and protective atmosphere, the Earth cools more slowly.

As the moon becomes tidally locked to Earth

The side facing Earth will continue to be hot, and the molten rock will have trouble cooling, so the impact won’t leave much of a trail.

The far side of the moon, which receives less heat from Earth, cools and condenses much more quickly, leaving behind dense craters and steep terrain, so it’s not surprising that the far side is different from the front side.

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