Facial massage how long to do a better?

Most facial massages can be massaged once a week to two weeks or so. jade roller supplier reminds you to decide according to the condition of your face. Facial massage can promote blood circulation, improve facial absorption and metabolism, and alleviate yellowed and dull symptoms of facial skin. ​Normally, facial massage can be done once a week, and if facial skin is thin and sensitive, massage can be done once every two weeks. In addition, facial cleaning and maintenance should be done to prevent facial collagen loss. Keep skin in a condition of whitening, health and firmness.

The role of facial massage:

Skin softens, becomes tender, becomes smooth;

​it will take away the ancient waste cutin, dissolve the oil and dirt in the pores, and make the skin cleaner and better absorbed.

Prevent pigmentation spots, skin will be more white and tender, not dark yellow;

​massage to relieve sagging and sagging skin and maintain facial contour;

​prevent premature formation of wrinkles, reduce false wrinkles, skin more elastic.

Facial massage techniques:

First, facial cleaning can not be ignored, before the massage must be thoroughly cleaned after the face.

Two, oily skin people secrete additional oil, massage is easy to aggravate pore obstruction. You can massage your face right after washing, and the time should not exceed 5 minutes. Facial massage is not suitable for people with acne and acne.

Three, sensitive skin is better not to massage, so as not to aggravate the irritation of the skin.

Four, dry skin is prone to tiny wrinkles, especially the corners of the eyes and cheeks. massage time can be extended, 15 to 20 minutes is appropriate.

Five, people with normal skin should massage for 15 to 20 minutes, in order to feel comfortable and relaxed.

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